Asphalt Tango - The Leading Voice in Gypsy & Eastern Music
Artist Management & Booking AgencyRecord Label & PublishingDownload-Shop  Online-Shop
Artist management & Booking AgencyRecord Label & PublishingOnline-Shop


Asphalt Tango Records

Asphalt Tango Records GmbH
Lehderstr. 16
D - 13086 Berlin

fon: ++49.+30.285 85 28


Online Dispute Resolution:


HRB no. 86481
Tax no. 30/198/03504
VAT id. no. DE 225999382

Business manager
Henry Ernst

Return address
Asphalt Tango Records GmbH
Lehderstr. 16
D - 13086 Berlin


Responsible according
V.i.S.d.P., § 6 TDG, EGG, § 6 MDStV:
Helmut Neumann

Grafikdesign: Claudia Bachmann
Webmaster/Programm.: Guido Sperlich

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